The Chatham-Kent Community Leaders' Cabinet (CKCLC) reflects the view that a community's quality of life depends on strong leadership in the government, business, and social/voluntary sectors of that community.
Vision: We are a thriving community that enhances the quality of life.
Mission: Working together, across sectors, to build a community where the quality of life is planned, developed and championed.
Membership: The current co-chairs of the CKCLC are Mayor Darrin Canniff and Donna Litwin-Makey, Executive Director - Children's Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent. Information on Member Organizations can be found in the Helpful Links section below.
Strategy: The CKCLC's current area of strategic focus is Talent Attraction & Retention. To support this work, Cabinet has formed three Action Teams;
- Employment
- Job Preparation
- Retention & Belonging
Each Action Team consists of two Cabinet members acting as co-chairs, as well as other Cabinet members and representatives of organizations from across the community.
Collaboration: Chatham-Kent's community leaders commit to working together to identify how they can help make change happen while supporting great work already happening. In the spirit of working together and engaging others, the CKCLC establishes partnerships with community groups in order to support ongoing work, while respecting the identities and individual activities of all. Some of the community groups that the CKCLC works with include:
Achievements: Additional information on the accomplishments and activities of the CKCLC are outlined in the annual "Year in Review", which can be found in the Helpful Links section below.
Background on the CKCLC
The CKCLC was brought together knowing that no person, group or organization working alone can accomplish large-scale social change; it takes the entire community to effect change.
The CKCLC Strategy Framework is an evergreen document, meaning that activities are determined based on strategic focus areas while allowing members to respond to emerging opportunities.
The following research and concepts have guided the development of the CKCLC