How do I appear as a Deputation?
As a part of the Municipality's policy of an open and accessible government, the Municipality of Chatham-Kent encourages public participation in its decision-making process.
There are two types of Deputations:
1. Deputation – Item on the Current Agenda
Any person who wishes to appear before Council regarding an item on the current agenda shall make a written application to the Clerk by 12:00 pm on the day of the meeting to be placed on the agenda to appear before Council at the meeting at which it will be dealing with the item of interest to the deputation. Presentation material must be submitted with the request to appear. A maximum of five minutes shall be allotted for each deputation
Deputations will be accepted in the following formats:
- Written format read by the person during the meeting either in person or by electronic participation
- If you are not able to attend the meeting, your deputation in written or video format will be emailed to Council in advance of the meeting.
2. Deputation – Item Not on the Current Agenda
Anyone wishing to appear before Council regarding an issue that is not on the current agenda must submit an outline of their deputation to the Clerk's Office. The submission must include any handouts or materials that are to be distributed. A maximum of ten minutes will be allotted for each deputation. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Municipal Clerk, in accordance with the Chatham-Kent Procedure By-law, will review the deputation request. If the deputation request is approved, the Council Coordinator will arrange an upcoming Council meeting date for the deputation. If the deputation request is denied, the Clerk's Office advises the requester of the reason for the denial.
Council meetings begin at 6:00 pm. Presenters must be present at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the meeting.
How do I know if I am approved to appear as a deputation?
The Council Coordinator will contact you to confirm the date of the Council meeting at which you are scheduled to appear.
Do I have a certain time limit?
Yes. Deputations for Items on the current agenda have a five-minute time limit. Deputations for Items not on the current agenda have a ten-minute time limit.
Is there a limit on the number of deputations?
The number of deputations to address an item on the current agenda will be unlimited, but subject to the discretion of Members, can be limited in order to allow for the efficient and effective operation of the meeting proceedings.
In the case where there are 10 or more deputations on the same issue, the time limit will be reduced to two minutes per speaker.
What is expected of me?
The Council Coordinator will arrange to meet with you prior to the Council Meeting to review Council procedures, technical requirements and what is expected from you as a deputation.
As a deputation addressing Council, you must be aware of the following:
- The Municipal Clerk will introduce the deputations and announce your name, at that time you may proceed to the podium.
- Deputations must stay within the allotted time limit.
- Any additional handout materials must be given to the Council Coordinator at the beginning of the Council meeting for distribution.
NOTE: Deputations are required to consult with the Council Coordinator, in advance, regarding any requirements for audio/video equipment.
What if I am part of an organization or committee?
It is recommended that one or two speakers be appointed to make the presentation on behalf of the organization, or committee. The other members of the group are welcome to attend the Council meeting.
How do I address Council regarding planning a matter?
Council Meetings are held once a month to consider planning applications.
If you wish to address Council about a matter listed on the planning agenda, you are not required to provide a written request to appear. There will be an opportunity to address Council during the meeting. This process is outlined below under "What is the process for Council Planning Meetings?" In the event that you are intending to address Council at a planning meeting, it is helpful (but not required) if you provide Council with information about your concerns in advance. You may present your questions and concerns directly to the Director of Planning Services by calling 519-360-1998 or emailing
What is the process for Council Planning Meetings?
The process for each application is as follows:
- The application will be announced.
- The Mayor will ask if there is anyone present with an interest in the application, and to indicate so by raising their hand.
- Anyone present wishing to speak to the application will be called to the podium to make their comments. If any written deputations are received they will be read by the Clerk.
- For any items where a deputation was received, either in person or written, the administration will proceed with a presentation.
- Council will be asked if it has any questions of administration or the applicant if present.
- Councillor will be asked what action it wishes to take with regard to the application.
Petition to be Considered by Council
Petitions are from residents of the municipality that are requesting Council to consider the introduction, expansion, enhancement, restoration, reduction, alteration or cessation of a service or program of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
A petition can be received by:
- Submitting to a Councillor that supports the objective. A Councillor may bring forward a Notice of Motion to an upcoming Council meeting outlining the request. The Notice of Motion should include a paragraph that states: "Whereas a petition was received from residents within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent with X number of Chatham-Kent signatures." The petition should be presented to the Clerk at the same meeting.
- Submitting to the Clerk directly. The Clerk will place the petition on the next agenda within the Communication Package. Council has the opportunity to pull the item at the Council meeting and request action through a Notice of Motion. If the petition is not pulled, it is received for information.
- Submitting directly to Administration (the department responsible for the issue). If the administration is already preparing a report to Council on the matter. The administration will acknowledge the petition received (for or against the recommendation) within the report and the original petition should be provided to the Clerk's Office.
Click the button below to download a form to use when preparing a petition for circulation.
Chatham-Kent Petition Form
Clerks Office
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
P.O. Box 640
315 King Street West
Chatham, ON N7M 5K8
Other Questions
Any other questions in relation to Council, Council Meetings and/or Council procedure may be directed to the Council Coordinator by calling 519-360-1998 x 3805 or emailing