Chatham-Kent Heartwork is pleased to offer free learning opportunities for early years professionals who work with and support the children and families in Chatham-Kent.
All Chatham-Kent Heartwork workshops are FREE and are intended for all professionals working with children in Chatham-Kent early years settings.
Stepping Side By Side
A Professional Learning Pathway for Early Childhood Educators
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In Chatham-Kent, we know that Early Years professionals pride themselves on staying current with information on early childhood development. They strive to provide quality programming while holding the four foundations of HDLH at the core of their work with children and families.
Stepping Side By Side Chatham-Kent is a professional learning and mentoring opportunity. This initiative was created to use individually as well as in group settings to support reflection, collaboration and growth within the role of early childhood education. It is a modulated program intended for those:
- stepping into the field of early childhood education
- currently working in the field
- rising leaders and leaders
Stepping Side by Side was created by ASCY for Early Learning Professionals to dig deeper into topics related to their scope of practice. Chatham-Kent is excited to partner with this initiative to support the mentorship and Professional Learning needs of our community.
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Examing Wild Play in Early Childhood (presented by Debra Harwood)
Wild play is a distinct and beneficial form of play rooted in real experiences, processes, and explorations where nature acts as the co-player. Wild play within untamed outdoor natural environments affords opportunities for complexity, spontaneity, curiosity, creativity, and entanglement. This presentation will focus on insights drawn from research focused on wild play programs where children are immersed within untamed natural areas repeatedly and over extended periods of time. By redefining what we mean by wild play in early childhood education fundamental shifts in the profession can be achieved and the experiences afforded to young children can be broadened. Supporting wild play within centre-based spaces will be showcased.
Debra Harwood, Professor (PhD), Department of Educational Studies, Program Director, Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Debra has been involved in the area of Early Childhood Education for more than 20 years. As a practitioner and researcher, Debra has worked directly with educators, families and young children in Ontario, British Columbia, and internationally. Her teaching and research expertise are focused on early child development and curriculum, nature pedagogies, professionalism, community capacity building, and ethical research practices with young children and their families.
*Registration Required
Location: Virtual
- Wednesday, September 11, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Intercultural Competency Training (presented by Javor Campbell)
This training is designed to equip participants with the skills, knowledge and awareness to work effectively and respectfully in diverse workplaces. The training includes 3 modules and covers topics such as intercultural communication and power dynamic.
Javor Campbel is a driven, meticulous, and visionary professional with a passion for community and sustainable development. He has spent the last six years of his professional life leading and supporting the development and implementation of social development projects within the nonprofit and international development sectors. Campbel has supported projects in various countries across the world including Costa Rica, Haiti, Liberia, and Jamaica.
*Registration Required (workshop is for operators/supervisors only)
Location: Chatham Cultural Centre Studio One (75 William St. N., Chatham)
- Wednesday, September 25, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Professionalism and Leadership in a Regulated Profession (presented by College of ECE)
This presentation takes a closer look at the concepts of professionalism in early childhood education in Ontario. Topics include:
- ethical and professional standards
- using professional judgement
- continuous professional learning
- accountability for professional practice and conduct
A relevant presentation for ECEs at all levels.
Melanie Dixon RECE is the Director of Professional Practice at the College of Early Childhood Educators. She is a collaborative leader and learner with varied experience in the early years sector, including licensed child care, child and family resource programs, post-secondary education, government and professional regulation. Melanie examines ways to support mentorship in the context of the practice of early childhood education in Ontario.
*Registration Required
Location: Linck (495 Grand Ave. W., Chatham)
Inclusive Recruitment and Retention (presented by Javor Campbel)
This training will provide participants with the tools and strategies to support inclusive recruitment and retention of diverse talents. Participants will acquire knowledge of best practices related to job postings, interviewing, onboarding and retention strategies.
Javor Campbel is a driven, meticulous, and visionary professional with a passion for community and sustainable development. He has spent the last six years of his professional life leading and supporting the development and implementation of social development projects within the nonprofit and international development sectors. Campbel has supported projects in various countries across the world including Costa Rica, Haiti, Liberia, and Jamaica.
*Registration Required
Location: Linck Boardroom (495 Grand Ave. W., Chatham)
- Wednesday, October 9, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
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