The Municipality of Chatham-Kent (Municipality) has completed a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to develop a transportation plan for the Talbot Trail from the 2nd Concession Line (Ellerbeck Road) to the east of County Road 12. The EA Study has evaluated alternatives for alignment, cross sections, intersections, and active transportation to develop a recommended plan to address the needs within the Study Area.
At its meeting on Monday, January 16, 2023, Council approved the recommended plan for Phase 1, and Phase 2 is described in the Environmental Study Report (ESR) for information only.
The Talbot Trail Phase 1 recommended plan includes the implementation of a new 2-lane arterial roadway in order to relocate Talbot Trail to the 2nd Concession Line, from Ellerbeck Road to Stevenson Road, with a right-of-way width of 36 meters. Local access roads and/or driveway extensions will be constructed as required to service residents if/when Talbot Trail is affected by closures due to coastal erosion in the future. Exact locations for local access roads will be determined as required.
The immediate need for the Talbot Trail relocation to the 2nd Concession Line is between Coatsworth Road and Stevenson Road, due to the current closure.
For more information or to review the ESR document, please visit Chatham-Kent Let’s Talk page at The ESR will also be available for viewing at the Chatham Civic Centre Municipal Office located at 315 King Street West, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K8 from March 31, 2023, until May 30, 2023, during business hours.
For more information contact:
Chris Thibert, P.Eng.
Director, Engineering
Engineering and Transportation