December 25 Snow Emergency Update

Emergency shelters at the Ridgetown and Tilbury arenas have closed as municipal officials continue to make progress recovering from this weekend’s winter storm.

Anyone requiring accommodation is asked to contact the municipality’s Homeless Response Line at 519-354-6628

Most rural roads have been plowed as major arterial routes in the community of Chatham. Secondary residential streets in urban areas could take 24 to 48 hours to clear.

There are still isolated areas where abandoned vehicles remain along roadways. That factor and the issue of blowing and drifting snow have led officials to urge extreme caution when travelling since some roads remain snow-covered.

Please visit for official Ministry of Transportation road information.

There are 25 plows working throughout the municipality today. To follow their progress visit

Individuals whose vehicles have been towed by the Chatham-Kent Police Service can call 519-436-6600 ext. 222 to find the location of their vehicle.

A state of emergency declared on December 24 still exists and the municipality remains under a Significant Snow Event status.

The municipality placed a 72-hour ban on the parking of vehicles on municipal streets and roads which lasts until 2 p.m. on Tuesday. December 27, 2022.

The ban allows more efficient clearing of roads to enable emergency vehicles to have access where needed.

For more information contact:

Jim Blake
Communications Officer
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
519-360-1998 x 3624