Archived Council Conflict of Interest

​The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires municipalities to maintain a public registry of all declarations of pecuniary interest made by members of Council.

Current Year

January 18, 2021    

Doug Sulman - Item 16a - Sale of 540 Park Avenue East, Unit 5 to Onbelay Automotive Inc.    
Conflict: due to clients

February 21, 2021

Doug Sulman - Item 13a - Approval of Entegrus Shareholder's Waiver
Conflict: due to clients

March 21, 2021

Mark Authier  - Item 13b - 2020 Record of Payment to Council-Owned Vendors   
Conflict: owns one of the businesses in the report

John Wright - Item 13b - 2020 Record of Payment to Council-Owned Vendors 
Conflict: owns one of the businesses in the report

Michael Bondy - Item 13b - 2020 Record of Payment to Council-Owned Vendors    
Conflict: owns one of the businesses in the report

Aaron Hall - Item 13b - 2020 Record of Payment to Council-Owned Vendors
Conflict: owns one of the businesses in the report

Doug Sulman - Items 17a, 18a and 19a - High-speed Fibre Update, Chatham-Kent Community Improvement Plan Property Tax Increment Equivalent Grant Application and Skyline Real Estate Holdings and Encroachment Agreement, 22 William Street South, Chatham
Conflict: due to clients

John Wright - Item 9f - Applications for Consent and Zoning By-law Amendment, Larry and Rosemary Van Gerven, 21049 Base Road, Community of Harwich
Conflict: due to clients

Council Conflict of Interest 2020

Council Conflict of Interest 2019