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Mom and her young daughter at the Talbot Trail Place in Blenheim.
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Blenheim and Area

With a population of 4,487 residents, Blenheim offers the advantages of small town living with amenities for daily needs conveniently located. During the summer and fall, fresh fruit and vegetables are available at farmers markets and roadside stands. In July, residents celebrate Blenheim's agricultural heritage with Cherry Fest.

Agriculture plays an important role in Blenheim's culture and economy. Large agricultural processing companies like Platinum Produce and The Andersons provide employment for many. Blenheim is also home to several manufacturing plants which produce plastics, steel, and automotive parts. Chatham-Kent's reputation as the "Classic Car Capital of Canada" is due in large part to Blenheim. The community is home to the head offices of RM Sothebys Auctions, a world-renown auction house for collector cars, and RM Auto Restoration.

Blenheim residents like to stay active. The community hosts fun runs and races, including the "Trot to the Beach" half marathon. It is also home to two golf courses (Deer Run Golf Course and Willow Ridge Golf and Country Club), the Golden Acres Curling Club, numerous parks, two fitness clubs (Life by Design and Postma Fitness), a Municipal recreation complex with an indoor swimming pool, and Level Up! Arcade & Bowling. The Blenheim Blasts swim club, Golden Eagles gymnastics club, and the Chatham Aeronauts flying club are all located in Blenheim, along with a number of dance studios, organized sports leagues, and activities hosted by the Blenheim Senior Centre and Blenheim Youth Centre.

Blenheim families have a choice of Harwich Raleigh Public School, W.J. Baird Public School or St. Anne Catholic School for primary aged children, and the Blenheim District High School for secondary school years. More education options are available across Chatham-Kent for families to choose from as well. Youth in Blenheim also hang out at the centrally located Blenheim Youth Centre for after school activities.

Locals enjoy the Talbot Trail Place which hosts a weekly summer concert series, splash pad, lending library, and a tourism information center. Stay connected to the natural surroundings and enjoy the beautiful downtown while exploring eco-conscience stores like Shop 61,  Antiquated Joys, and the Mindful Market on Talbot. Take a short drive out of town to enjoy Red Barn Brewing Company for locally made beer.  Find more local businesses and amenities featured on the Blenheim BIA's Town of Blenheim website.

If you are an outdoor enthusiast, Blenheim is the perfect community for you. The town is a short drive away from the lakeside villages of Erieau and Shrewsbury, with hiking and water trails, the Erieau Marina, and beaches. Erieau is home to a marina and yacht club, making it popular with water enthusiasts. Blenheim is also located near Rondeau Provincial Park trails, beaches, and campgrounds.

Choose Blenheim. Choose Chatham-Kent.