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Chatham-Kent Jobs

Job Search Resources

​Chatham-Kent offers great lifestyle and career opportunities to gain a work-life balance that works for you. Find current job postings at, as well as links to some of our local employers on the Employers in CK pages.

If you're new to CK, or considering a move to the area, find out more about choosing Chatham-Kent as your new home or contact a member of the LivingCK Team. Stay connected by following us on LinkedIn and subscribing to the LivingCK Newsletter.

Job Search Resources

Chatham-Kent has many organizations with staff to help you update your résumé and cover letter, prepare you for interviews, and provide local job market information. The following organizations can offer career counseling, training, and job search assistance: 

Immigrant Supports

Adult Language and Learning (A.L.L.) and College Boreal provide support and assistance for immigrant newcomers in Chatham-Kent, including language instruction, ESL classes, and pre-employment programs.

Immigrants to Canada may need to take some steps before entering the workforce:

  • Obtaining a Social Insurance Number (SIN): In order to work in Canada, all temporary residents, permanent residents, and citizens must hold a SIN. The application process should be a priority for all newcomers before they begin their job search.
  • Language Evaluation: If English is not your first language, you might be eligible for language instruction programs.  
  • Accreditation: Having your educational and professional credentials recognized in Canada will help you in your search for a job.

WILL Employment Solution's Internationally Trained Worker (ITW) Loan Program assists with covering the costs related to foreign credential recognition. The loan may also help with other expenses related to help achieve employment that reflects international education, skills and experience.