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Maclean's 2021 Best Communities in Canada

Chatham-Kent is definitely on the map as a location of choice!

Chatham-Kent ranks 27th on Maclean's list of Best Communities in Canada for 2021, an increase from 126th on the same list in 2019. Chatham-Kent is showing the country that we're a great community to live in.

Of the 415 communities across Canada that Maclean's reviewed, Chatham-Kent ranked 27th, with high scores for internet access, weather, and amenities, and beat the national average for safe communities according to the Crime Severity Index. Maclean's methodology looks at a range of quality of life indicators, in partnership with Environics Analytics, to establish the ranking. This year, the revamped ranking took into consideration the increased ability to work remotely, which supports a recent LivingCK campaign to Work Anywhere. Live CK.

Community Attraction and Promotion's efforts through Resident Attraction and Retention (RAR) - LivingCK work, target young people (aged 15-39) and immigrant newcomers to highlight the many advantages of living in Chatham-Kent and help new residents feel more rooted. These efforts support CK Plan 2035 and have been showing success;

That's LivingCK initiative was launched in 2017 to promote the great quality of life and lifestyle opportunities that exist in Chatham-Kent. The campaign celebrates what locals are doing in Chatham-Kent and highlights opportunities for others to get involved. Whether it's the history and culture, being involved in the community, time for friends and family, being active and exploring the outdoors, "or starting a business with the whole community behind you," there are many reasons that people are calling Chatham-Kent home.

As a community, talent attraction that meets local labour market needs, is foundational to many employers and to CAP-RAR efforts. Talent attraction efforts support employers that have difficulty filling labour market needs locally by assisting in bringing new residents to Chatham-Kent and helping to welcome and settle them here.

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