Current Trend
The median household income after-tax for all family and non-family persons in 2018 was $50,570 for Chatham-Kent, compared to $49,290 in 2017. That is an increase of more than 2%. In 2018, the median household income after-tax for Ontario was $55,340 and $53,850 in 2017. An increase of almost 3%. The median household income in Chatham-Kent increased by almost 11% from $44,460 in 2013 to $49,290 in 2017. In 2019, the median household income in Chatham-Kent increased by almost 2.5% to $51,720. In 2019, the media household income for Ontario rose to $56,400 an increase of almost 2%. The household income trend has been to increase slightly over time, from 2008 to 2019.
Desired Trend
An increase in the median household/family income after tax.