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A welcoming, healthy, prosperous community that is culturally rich and naturally innovative.

Our vision represents the kind of community we will and can become, and addresses the four overarching Areas of Strategic Focus behind CK Plan 2035:

  • Economic Prosperity
  • A Healthy & Safe Community
  • People & Culture
  • Environmental Sustainability

Welcoming - open to new citizens/immigration, new ideas (entrepreneurship), protected from violent and non-violent crime.

Healthy - policies that make healthy choices easy, better housing, focus on education, excellent recreational activities, opportunities to connect, safe and protected from crime, fire and natural disasters.

Prosperous - solid infrastructure, thriving agri-business and support industries, well-educated, flexible to new opportunities.

Culturally Rich - respect for different cultures, natural and human history, the arts.

Naturally - respect for the role of agriculture, our environment, natural resources.

Innovative - encouraging more agri-business, entrepreneurship in all fields, innovation in business/arts, preservation of natural resources.