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House Fire at 129 Bruce Street

Date of Incident: 2022-03-08
Time of Call: 00:27
Address of Incident: 129 Bruce St.
Responding Stations:
               Station #2 - Chatham
               Station #3 - Wallaceburg

Type of Incident: Structure Fire
Type of Building: Residential
Approximate Loss: $200,000
Cause: Accidental

Comments on the cause: Station 3 - Wallaceburg, Station 3 volunteer firefighters, and Station 2 - Chatham attended 129 Bruce Street for a structure fire at 12:27 this morning. Crews did a quick stop on the fire. No injuries. Working smoke alarms alerted those in the home to get out safely. Estimated damages are $200,000 and the cause accidental.

Educational Messaging:
Name of Person Releasing Information: Whitney Burk
Name of Contact Person For More Information: Whitney Burk
Phone Number: 519-436-3270