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Fire on Wallace Street Wallaceburg

Date of Incident: 2022-04-30

Time of Call: 19:10

Address of Incident: 475 Wallace St

Responding Stations:
               Station #2 - Chatham
               Station #3 - Wallaceburg

Type of Incident: Structure Fire

Type of Building: Apartment

Cause: Under Investigation

Comments on cause: Chatham-Kent Fire responded to 475 Wallace Street Wallaceburg just after 7pm Saturday for a fire in a 3rd-floor apartment. The fire was contained to the reported apartment however several apartments below suffered water damage. No injuries were reported. The fire scene is currently being held by Chatham-Kent Fire for investigation. No further details will be released at this time.

Name of Contact Person For More Information: Whitney Burk

Phone Number: 519-436-3270