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Fire at 595 Wallace Street

Date of Incident: 2022-05-01

Time of Call: 03:05

Address of Incident: 595 Wallace Street Wallaceburg

Responding Stations:
               Station #2 - Chatham
               Station #3 - Wallaceburg

Type of Incident: Structure Fire

Cause: Undetermined

Comments on cause: Chatham-Kent Fire Station #2 – Chatham and Station #3 - Wallaceburg responded to 595 Wallace Street, Wallaceburg at 3:03am for reports of smoke coming from the boarded-up property. When crews arrived, they found smoke coming from the 2 storey of the multi-unit structure and flames coming from a rear door. Firefighters were able to quickly knock down the fire from the open door however worked for several more hours to gain access to the rest of the boarded structure. Fire crews completed primary and secondary searches of the building to ensure it was empty before turning the property back over to the owner. No injuries were reported. Cause is undetermined. The damage estimate is unknown.

Name of Person Releasing Information: Whitney Burk

Name of Contact Person For More Information: Whitney Burk

Phone Number: 519-436-3270