
Chatham-Kent Public Library

Literary Angels Program

With a recommended donation of $25, staff select an appropriate title. A bookplate identifying the recipient, donor and occasion will be placed on the front cover. We will notify the honoree or whomever you desire to inform them of the gift you have made to the Chatham-Kent Public Library so they can borrow the item. Tax receipts for donations over $10 are mailed to donors.

General Library Donations

Want to give back to your community library? Your local library welcomes and encourages financial donations from individuals, businesses, service clubs, foundations and non-profit organizations, to enhance quality public library service. Every gift makes a difference! Contact us at 519-354-2940 to learn about how your gift can make a difference.

Donate to Chatham-Kent Public Library

Arts + Culture

Thames Art Gallery & ARTspace (TAG)

The Thames Art Gallery & ARTspace celebrates local artists throughout Chatham-Kent. Our studio provides low-cost programming for practicing artists, seniors, families and schools. TAG also operates ARTspace, a dedicated street-front community gallery space in the downtown core. TAG relies upon its donors and sponsors to offer free admission and low-cost,
barrier-free programming.

Share your passion for art by donating...

  • Toward the purchase of a specific piece of art.
  • To the public art grant, which is used for the procurement of public art.
  • To the public art fund.

Donate to TAG

Chatham-Kent Museums

With your generous donation, we can continue to make museums throughout Chatham-Kent a hub for exploration, fun and creativity. We strive to provide engaging, interactive and creative exhibits and programs for all ages. Our main goal is to create connections within our community as well as create a space that members of our community will seek out to spend quality time with their families and friends.

Donate to CK Museums

Your Municipality

Investing in the future of your community can make a lasting impact for generations to come. By donating funds to your local municipality, you can help improve the quality of life for current residents and future generations.

Your contribution can support a wide range of initiatives, such as improving infrastructure, enhancing community services, and creating new programs that benefit everyone. Your generosity will help ensure that your community continues to thrive and prosper and that your children and grandchildren have access to the resources they need to succeed.

Your donation is tax-deductible, which means you can receive a donation receipt to claim on your taxes. Not only will you be making a positive difference in your community, but you can also benefit from a tax break at the same time.

Your contribution can make a meaningful difference and help build a brighter future for everyone in your community.

For more information on general donations or to make a donation of any amount, email

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