Inducted: November 29, 1989
Anne Ouellette made a notable contribution to farming during her 23 years as Secretary of the Kent Federation of Agriculture; as "a pioneering woman carving her niche and making her contribution in a male-dominated world."
Mrs. Ouellette came with her parents from her native Lancashire, England, at the age of eight, and received her primary education at McKeough and Central schools in Chatham. Her academic and business training at Chatham Collegiate Institute led to work as the only secretary in the Kent County Administrative office located in Harrison Hall.
Her marriage in 1928 to Francis Ouellette provided her first practical farm experience, and she was involved with him in that mixed cash crop and livestock operation for 45 years on their Dover Township farm near Dover Centre.
Mrs. Ouellette served as Secretary of the Kent Federation of Agriculture from 1944-1967, a period when many farm marketing organizations were founded. She served as Secretary at Federation-sponsored information meetings that preceded the establishment of grain marketing boards.
Mrs. Ouellette served as Zone Secretary of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture for Lambton, Middlesex, Elgin, Kent and Essex counties. She was a leader of the New St. Andrew's Farm Club during its transition to the New St. Andrew's Junior Farmers' Club.
Mrs. Ouellette's concern over farm accidents led to her service as Secretary of the Kent County Farm Safety Association. She was Kent County Chairperson of the Women's Centennial Activities Committee in 1967; and was Secretary of the Dover Township Park Board and actively involved in the activities of the Dover Centre Community Memorial Park.
It was at her instigation that women started attending the annual Kent County Warden's Banquet.
Mrs. Ouellette's English background deepened her concerns in World War II. She did volunteer work for the armed services overseas; and worked on the Major George Smith I.O.D.E. Services Committee for War Veterans at Westminster Hospital.
Her citation when she received the Kent Federation of Agriculture Meritorious Award in 1978 read: "Her reputation for diligence and efficiency was surpassed only by her commitment to the Federation.