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Children/Individuals Living in Low Income

Current Trend

In 2014, there were 4,520 children (0 to 17 years old) living in low-income. Since 2008, this number has been declining.

In 2014, there were 14,320 individuals living in low-income. Since 2008, this number has been declining.

Desired Trend

A decrease in the number of children living in low-income.

A decrease in the number of individuals living in low-income.

Why is this measurement important?

In order to create a healthy and safe community, children and families need to have enough resources and money to have a good quality of life. Income is the most important social determinant of health as it determines the quality of other social determinants of health. This  includes access to health care, education, food security, housing, and other basic prerequisites of health. Children and families who live in low income are predisposed to material and social deprivation. It is well documented that people who live in low-income have poorer health outcomes in life. This ultimately affects Chatham-Kent as a whole. One of the goals of the healthy and safety community strategic area is to enhance and reduce poverty which speaks to the fact that "no person in Chatham-Kent should be living in poverty."